pride through ownership

General Information

We would like to highlight some of our by-laws and other helpful info for for new owners and realtors

a.) How many phases in the project - There is only one phase to this development
b.) How many units in the project and how many in the subject phase - There are 65 units in the development and they are all complete
c.) Total number of parking spaces - Because these are free standing single family homes they have driveways and therefore parking spaces are not applicable.
d.) Total number of guest parking spaces - Guest park on the street or in the individual driveways there are no guest parking spaces
e.) Is developer in control of association - The developer turned control over to the condo association in June 1990.
f.) Who manages and the name of that entity - A Board of Directors elected from the member of the association manages
g.) Does any one person or entity own more than 10% of the total units in the project - NO
h.) Was the project converted from some other use - NO
i.) Are all units and recreation facilities complete - YES
j.) Any commercial space - NO
k.) Any common elements leased to or by the homeowners association - NO
l.) Is the project subject to ground rent - NO
l.) Number of units rented - 1 (one)

Trash and recycling removal is done on Thursdays. Please have the trash & recycling out at the end of your driveway by 5:30am Thursday morning. Recycling trucks come around that time. Yard waste is not picked up by this weekly service. Recycling truck prefers separation of paper & plastic & glass by not mandated.

All members are responsible for their monthly Association Dues, which currently is $125 per month. The dues cover trash and recycling removal, common area ground maintenance, plowing of the roads & other road maintenance(the roads in Bliss Farm are private roads the town are not responsible for), septic system fees for outside the home, general liability insurance, and legal fees. The statements will be mailed or emailed to the homeowner (on file with the board) every month to remit your dues. If dues are not paid, the Board has the right to place a lien on the property (which will not allow for any sale or refinancing); stop all common services (trash removal and septic system access) and seek relief in small claims court. Our by-laws allow the Board to pass any legal expenses to the particular party involved should the court find in our favor. Please work together and help keep the fee (the lowest in Derry) from rising in cost by paying on time. Situations due arise and the board does understand; if a situation arises please contact the board ASAP to work something out.

Information for paying the monthly dues. Bliss Farm Condo Assn., PO Box 353, East Derry, NH 03041 Attn: Jeff Katz. Or it can be dropped off in the Assn. mail box at 8 Judith Lane.

Water is through Pennichuck (800 553 5191) and is the responsibility of the homeowner.

As the owner of one of the 64 detached condominium units in this development, you are automatically a member of the Unit Owners Association. The Association is self-managed and is run by an elected board of directors since September 1990. There are a total of 7 board members, each elected to a 2-year term. The Board of Directors then appoints the officers for the Association. The board members meet on a monthly basis to manage all affairs of the Association; and there is an annual meeting each September/October for all association members. Members are welcome to the "open" portion of any monthly board meeting.

It is important you understand that various types of "property" that comprise this development. "Owned Property" is property that you, as the unit owner, have title to. For full description of owned property, common property, & limited common property, please refer to the by-laws posted on the website All Common Property, including Limited Common Property, is under control of the Board of Directors. Any changes you wish to make to your Limited Common Property MUST be approved by the Board. A written request for what is intended to be done (including diagrams and drawings) must be submitted to the board. In some situations; letters of consent from the abutting neighbors might be required. This applies to such things as an addition to the unit, addition of a deck or patio, construction of a detached garage or shed, installation of a swimming pool (above or below ground), installation of any fencing, driveway expansion, and the removal of any trees. If your plans require a building permit from the town, they will require a signed consent form from the Board prior to issuing you a building permit. All submissions can be done via our website

DOGS The Bylaws of this association are very clear with respect to residents wishing to keep a dog within the BlissFarm development. To view the Bylaws regarding dogs go to (Condo Documents) on the home page, and click on (By-Laws Amendment Oct 2018).
Our guidelines are as follows regarding residents maintaining dogs within the Bliss Farm Development.
The old By-Laws restricted dogs to "small house dogs" in addition approval of the Board of Directors is required. The Amendment to the By-Laws on 18 October dropped the size and weight limits. But approval of the Board is still required. Those By-Laws and the Amendment is now being enforce to the letter of the law. The Board, as such decided in October of 2018 that existing dogs in the Bliss Farm development will be "grandfathered" from these by-laws.
However, any resident wishing to bring a new dog into the development must FIRST secure written approval by the Board of Directors. When asking for approval, please give as much info on the dog as possible, weight, breed or mixed breed distinction and picture of dog or dogs.
Under no circumstances will certain dogs with known aggressive or vicious tendencies be allowed (Pit Bulls, Pit Bull Breeds, Dobermans, Akitas, Bull Mastiffs, Alaskan Malamutes,German Shepherd, certain Shepherd Breeds, etc as defined by our insurance policy).
All dogs must be attended and restrained on a leash when outside; all unattended dogs must be enclosed in a fence at least 5 feet in height and not in the front yard area. No dogs are to be left unattended outside if only on a leash. Barking dogs are to be brought inside as soon as they start barking. Electronic dog fences alone are not an acceptable means of restraint.

Is Bliss Farms Approved for FHA financing? Bliss Farms Condominium Association is a "Site Condominium" under U.S. Housing and Urban Development guidelines, and therefore does not require FHA condominium certification in order to obtain FHA financing. If you are a potential owner, your realtor or mortgage professional will be able to advise you concerning obtaining FHA financing for a "site condominium." What is a Site Condominium and Why Does Bliss Farms Meet this Definition? According to HUD guidelines, to be considered a site condominium, a condo project must meet the following criteria: (1) Single family totally detached dwellings (no shared garages or any other attached buildings or e.g. archways, breezeways); and (2) Are encumbered by a declaration of condominium covenants or condominium form of ownership; and (3) The condominium unit consists of the entire structure as well as the site and air space and are not considered to be common areas or limited common areas; and (4) Insurance and maintenance costs are totally the responsibility of the unit owner; and (5) Any common assessments collected will be for amenities outside of the footprint of the individual site. Bliss Farms meets each of these requirements. The recorded condominium documents encumbering the development can be found on this website, and are recorded at the Rockingham County Registry of Deeds at Book 2735, Page 1200 (Declaration of Condominium). See also Section III.5 (unit boundaries); Declaration Section IV.4; Bylaws, Section XIII.C (insurance requirements); Declaration, Section XIII.1(a) (maintenance and repair of units); Declaration, Section XIV (assessments). Disclaimer of Liability: Please Note that this material is provided for informational purposes only. Bliss Farm Condominium Association makes no representation or guarantee that HUD or any other governmental agency will agree that Bliss Farm meets the requirements for "site condominium" status. Potential owners are advised to consult with their lending professional concerning Bliss Farm's status for FHA financing under HUD regulations. Bliss Farm Condominium Association is not liable for any use of, or reliance upon, this information.